Clutter No More

Control Your Clutter!: You don't have to get rid of EVERYTHING! Even hoarders will succeed with this method!Control Your Clutter!: You don't have to get rid of EVERYTHING! Even hoarders will succeed with this method! by Theresa Smith
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book was a #freeebook promotion I received this book for my honest unbiased opinion and review. but would have paid for it in a heartbeat. This book is straight forward, well written and easy to follow for anyone. This will help those with emotional issues and attachments to inanimate objects, allow you to see past the mounds of accumulation and into the soul of your issues.

I am a control freak, no secret to my family although they are not. I need to see clean counters as does my son in law, but there are four adults living here with very different cleaning styles. I hate clutter, always have probably always will. I grew up in a home where everything had a place and it shall not be moved from that space, minimalist, and orderly. After leaving my home a few years ago for nearly two years and only home for a weekend visit I was unable to contain the clutter that gathered while away. Then my mother passed and finding the time to do it just fell away and frankly I did not care until recently with more life changes.

I needed a boost but was not sure where that was going to come from. I stood in the middle of my kitchen and attempted this alone. Every time I threw something away there was a battle. I moved the microwave and another battle ensued. Then I had seen this book Control Your Clutter! there had to be an answer in here, and there was. That is why you are getting this review today. I spent yesterday doing the kitchen and I feel exhilarated. You see, yesterday was trash day, and no taking back what I threw away. I have storage space in my basement on shelves which other things felt quite at home sitting on. The only thing I did different were the containers, personally, I love Rubbermaid products and bought those instead.

This is, needless to say, a life changing book, remember not to overwhelm yourself one room a day, or one room at a time. When you are done the weight feels lifted. I am lucky there are only two rooms I have trouble with and the kitchen is done, next is my room which appears to have become a catch-all in my eyes although you can always see my floors as well as always a place to sit there is clutter I see others may not.

This is not a long book however it is full of substance. Theresa Smith has outdone herself with this self-help book

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