Fast Acting Advil

Fast Acting Advil

Quick Relief - Product website
I received several days worth of fast acting Advil, and some to share with my friends and family. I was also sent several $3 dollar off coupons. I was not asked to write a review although I felt that this product deserved to be noted as a very good product and I had been under the "buyers influence" for many years that generic Ibuprofen was just as good. I was wrong.
It is considered an NSAID, many people have heard their doctors say this word, but do not know what it means. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, in layman's terms "this has no steroids" it works basically taking down inflammation, fever, and pain. Many times used for headaches, muscle strains, pulls and aggravation.
They have a patent core and film coating to stop stomach irritation as over use of this medication can cause an increase in stomach acid as well as irritate the stomach lining.
I had a killer headache, happens frequently during the summer with my sinuses and allergies. I really did doubt this medication would work any faster than before, but I was pleasantly surprised when 30 minutes passed and I was feeling relief. From a sinus headache? Wow!
The three friends I gave samples to, also gave me positive feedback. After I had finished my samples I had to buy a new bottle, although my doctor prescribed Ibuprofen 800 mg three times a day without the coating (not to mention they are horse size pills) I asked if I could use the Advil instead, he still gave me the prescription, and also the ok to use Advil fast relief for a rotator cuff injury. It meant taking 4 of them three times a day. It made no difference except now my ulcers were not bothering me.
I recommend this product highly and sharing a 3 dollar off coupon with you. I was not asked to write this review on the free portion, nor the bottle I bought after. This product is just "THAT GOOD" -get your free 3 dollar off coupon.


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